Monday, December 10, 2007


Okay Singleton and Skinny - I blame you for this. I would not be here writing these words were it not for the both of you:) But, I will take responsibility for my words. I hope I do you both proud. I love you both and as usual, you have both inspired me! Thank you so much for the beautiful memories you have both shared. Reading your entries has thrust me back to a time when FUN was a predominant part of my life. So I dedicate this blog to the sisters who changed my life, gave it meaning, who inspired me to smile more than I ever thought I deserved and made for the best times of my life. Love you ladies!


singleton said...


skinnylittleblonde said...

Ha! How did I only just now find this?!
Lol, I remeber those days so fondly...yet I remember how 'bored' we were making our own messes!
Have fun with this space, this place & let yourself have no boundaries! Only a few real folks in my life know that mine even exists...which is somewhat liberating. ILYSVM bettergirl....xoxoxox

skinnylittleblonde said...

Hahahah! I see tonight that SinsterSing tried to lead me here yesterday about 4 hrs after I followed your bread crumb, cookie! ;)
I remember you & some of your stories like they were my own. ILY!

skinnylittleblonde said...

LOl....SisterSing....not, Sinster!

singleton said...

Sinster! Ha! I love it!

bettermoon said...

Skinny - You found me! Thanks to Singleton for leading me through this - wow it is confusing. I will have to remember how she told me to link to you, but I will get it eventually. Yes we did have fun! From what I hear there is more to come:) ILY too!